How to protect yourself from social media fraud ?

Learn how to protect yourself and your family from fraud on Social Media Platforms.

In the present time, as every person in the world is preferring to do all his work in digital form. Fraud are also changing their ways. In recent times, there has been a huge increase in the cases of online fraud.

We are giving you some basic tips by following which you can protect yourself and your family from online fraud.

  • Do not accept friend request sent by unknown person on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Delete immediately.

  • Do not click on any unknown links while using social media, messages, WhatsApp etc. Your mobile or system may get virus attack and your account may be hacked.

  • Do not share your personal information, any information about family with any kind of unknown friends made on social media.

  • Do not share any kind of objectionable and obscene material on social media.

  • Try to know the veracity of the information received on social media and only then share it, do not spread rumours.

  • Be sure to lock or secure your profile on social media.

  • Do not add unknown people to WhatsApp group. Never trust people you come in contact with through any type of online dating apps.

  • If someone has added your mobile number to an unknown WhatsApp group, then get out of that group immediately.

  • If any member shares objectionable or obscene material in the WhatsApp group created by you, then remove him from the group immediately.

  • If you do online shopping and you are asked for the information of your family members, then do shopping from a trusted website only.

  • Avoid the temptation of cheap and tempting offers.

  • Do not share your and your family's bank account, PAN card, Aadhar card and ATM card information with any unknown person.

  • Do not share your ATM or any type of OTP with any unknown person.

  • Do not share your and your family's bank account, PAN card, Aadhar card and ATM card information with any unknown person.

  • Avoid tempting advertisements, why thugs use these the most to lure people into their trap.

  • Do not get lured by the prize money of any type of incoming calls and do not transfer money to unknown accounts.

  • To know whether any fake social media account is being created and running in your name, keep searching the social media accounts in your name from time to time. If you think that someone is running a fake account in your name, then report it immediately.

  • If there is any kind of fraud in the bank account, then immediately inform on 155260 from the registered mobile number linked to that account and also register online information related to fraud on

  • If any type of cyber crime happens to you, then immediately contact the cyber crime cell and register an FIR report in your nearest police station and keep the copy with you.
How to protect yourself from social media fraud ?

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